Why Greater Grand Rapids
Financing & Incentives
Access to capital is one of the primary concerns for any growing business. In addition to venture capital, grants, and incentives, 密歇根大学提供了许多商业贷款项目和融资选择,以满足您的需求.
Brownfield Redevelopment Authority (PA 381)
棕地重建局(BRA)可用于开发和实施棕地项目. BRA是一种可以使用税收增量融资(TIF)作为房地产再开发工具的资源.
Community Development Block Grant (CDBG)
社区发展整体拨款(CDBG)项目是一项联邦拨款项目,使用的资金来自美国住房和城市发展部(HUD)。. Each year, Michigan receives approximately $30 million in federal CDBG funds, out of which various projects are funding through the state.
Industrial Property Tax Abatement (PA 198)
工业财产税的减免为符合条件的企业在密歇根州进行新的投资提供了激励. These abatements encourage Michigan manufacturers to build new plants, expand existing plants or renovate aging plants. High technology operations are also eligible for the abatement.
Michigan Business Development Program (MBDP)
密歇根商业发展计划是密歇根战略基金(MSF)提供的一项激励计划。, in cooperation with the Michigan Economic Development Corporation (MEDC). The program is designed to provide grants, 为密歇根州的高竞争力项目提供贷款或其他经济援助,以创造就业机会和/或提供投资.
Michigan Business Growth Fund Loan Participation Program
Michigan Collateral Support Program
密歇根州抵押品支持计划向贷款机构提供现金抵押品账户,以提高借款人的抵押品覆盖率. To qualify, 为了获得商业信贷的商业扩展,企业必须与私人贷款人合作,并且必须根据贷款人的分析显示抵押品短缺.
Community Revitalization Fund
密歇根州社区振兴计划(MCRP)旨在促进社区振兴,加速对历史价值下降地区的私人投资, foster redevelopment of functionally obsolete or historic properties, reduce blight, and protect natural resources of this state. MCRP provides gap financing through loans, grants, or other economic assistance.
Personal Property Tax Relief in Distressed Communities (PA 328)
Personal Property Tax Relief in Distressed Communities allows distressed communities, county seats, 某些边境县社区将减免符合条件的企业新投资的个人财产税.
Pure Michigan Business Connect (PMBC)
Pure Michigan Business Connect (PMBC)是一项公私合作计划,旨在为密歇根州的公司提供帮助其成长和扩张的机会. 该计划使参与的公司能够找到新客户,同时利用采购资源来增加其供应链.
Going Pro Talent Fund
Going PRO人才基金为提高人才水平的员工培训提供有竞争力的奖励, productivity, and employment retention, while increasing the quality and competitiveness of Michigan’s businesses. Going PRO确保密歇根州的雇主能够获得他们竞争和成长所需的人才, and individuals have the skills they need for in-demand jobs.
State Essential Services Assessment (SESA) Exemption Program
Under the State Essential Services Assessment (SESA) Exemption Program, 在个人财产上投资超过2500万美元的公司可能有资格获得豁免. SESA exemptions are equal to 100% or 50% of the SESA amount for a period of years, depending on eligibility and a review of the investment.
Michigan Business Tax Information
*For more business and property information visit the Michigan Taxes website here.
Capital Access Program
资本准入计划(CAP)为银行向密歇根州的公司发放商业贷款提供了一个灵活的工具. 密歇根州经济发展公司(MEDC)提供了少量的“缺口融资”,为密歇根州的企业提供了可能无法获得的资金, 使公司有可能获得固定资产和流动资金融资.
SBA Certified Development Loans
The U.S. 小企业管理局(SBA)的计划为中小型企业提供长期固定利率融资,用于收购或建设固定资产. Businesses must have a tangible net worth of less than $7.5 million and an average net profit of less than $2.5 million for the past two years.
Michigan Emerging Technologies Fund
The Emerging Technologies Fund, 由密歇根小企业发展中心(MI-SBDC)为密歇根经济发展公司管理, 致力于匹配联邦小企业创新研究和小企业技术转移研究SBIR/STTR资助机会,为密歇根州产生的卓越研究和技术创新.
Private Activity Bonds
私人活动债券是密歇根州经济发展项目的一个有吸引力的财政援助来源. 由于应税利率和免税利率之间的差异,它们为盈利的公司节省了资本成本. Download our factsheet for more information.
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The Right Place serves both current and prospective companies in Greater Grand Rapids, providing one-stop assistance for location, innovation and growth.